Thursday, March 15, 2012

Latest Update!

   We write with great excitement due to a number of encouraging things that have recently transpired.  First, we have learned that we are near 90% of our goal.  These past few weeks have proven the Lord’s guidance in this process of making it to Haiti.  I feel undeserving of the Lord allowing such a surge of financial support to come in.  It is what I pray for yet when answered beyond my imagination, I am overcome with humility.  I pray this process will teach me to walk more faithfully.
    We have not only seen the Lord work in our lives but also in 
our team, awaiting us in Haiti.  Over the last year, Pam McCormick has been translating The Jesus Storybook Bible.  After completing her Creole translation she contacted the author. Within a few short days the author, Sally Lloyd-Jones, responded requesting Pam to get the translation to her for publication.  Pam and her editing crew would like to get the final copy to the author this month so the Bible can be printed this year!!  It's exciting to know the children of Haiti are going to have copies of The Jesus Storybook Bible in their own language! Praise the Lord!  Josh and I cannot deny the Lord working in our team in Fort Liberté!  
Our new home being built in Haiti
     As we enter the weeks and months ahead many changes will happen.  I humbly ask you to pray for us.  I need grace and comfort as I say good bye to our Ohio life and embrace our new life in Haiti.  Josiah and Hope know our time in Ohio is coming to an end.  They need comfort in trusting dad and mom’s decision as all that is familiar to them will be gone.  They love their school and church sooo much; they hate the thought of leaving it.  Pray for them as this will be a difficult transition.  Pray for Josh, as he leads us in the months ahead.  He will be dealing with an emotional wife and kids.  Also, please pray that we are able to sell our home and our other belongings we won't be taking with us.  There are also many logistical things that we covet your prayers for.

   Thank-you for reading our update. It encourages us as we stay firm in our obedience to Christ. By faith, we walk!